Video index
1. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
3. Draft unapproved minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council held November 8, 2023, and the Special Meeting of the City Council held on November 15, 2023.
4. Recognition of Robin Jovanovich, former publisher of The Rye Record.
6. 2024 Proposed Budget Discussion.
5. Public comment on the City's potential project to replace an existing grass athletic field with a synthetic turf field on a City-owned property located at 421 Milton Road in the City of Rye, New York and Council discussion of the related EAF and CAF.
8. Resolution to waive parking restrictions and parking fees in all downtown parking lots and Purchase Street on December 6 through December 9 for Hanukah and December 20 through December 23 plus December 26 for Christmas and Kwanzaa for 2023.
9. Resolution designating the days and time of regular meetings of the City Council for 2024 setting January 10, 2024, as the first regular meeting.
Nov 29, 2023 City Council
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call.
3. Draft unapproved minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council held November 8, 2023, and the Special Meeting of the City Council held on November 15, 2023.
4. Recognition of Robin Jovanovich, former publisher of The Rye Record.
6. 2024 Proposed Budget Discussion.
5. Public comment on the City's potential project to replace an existing grass athletic field with a synthetic turf field on a City-owned property located at 421 Milton Road in the City of Rye, New York and Council discussion of the related EAF and CAF.
8. Resolution to waive parking restrictions and parking fees in all downtown parking lots and Purchase Street on December 6 through December 9 for Hanukah and December 20 through December 23 plus December 26 for Christmas and Kwanzaa for 2023.
9. Resolution designating the days and time of regular meetings of the City Council for 2024 setting January 10, 2024, as the first regular meeting.
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