Public hearing to designate the three parking spaces on the north side of Elm Place closest to Theodore Fremd Ave as fifteen minute parking spaces.
5. Public hearing to amend Chapter 53, “Architectural Review” of the Code of the City of Rye by amending §53-3 “Meetings and Procedures of Board” regarding noticing requirements for applications and to rescind Chapter 68-8(G) “Building and Demolition Permits”. 6. Public hearing to amend the Code of the City of Rye Chapters and Sections: §170-6(F) “Subdivision of Land, Procedures for Tentative Approval of Preliminary Layout”; §170- 7(C) “Procedures for Approval of Subdivision Plat”; §197-7 “Zoning, Site Development Plan”; §197-10 “Zoning, Uses Permitted Subject to additional Standards”;§197- 81(F)”Zoning Appellate Jurisdiction of Board”; §195-5(C) “Wetlands and Watercourses, Public Hearings and Public Notification by Applicant”; §196-15 “Wireless Communications Facilities, Public Hearings Required”, regarding noticing requirements.
5. Public hearing to amend Chapter 53, “Architectural Review” of the Code of the City of Rye by amending §53-3 “Meetings and Procedures of Board” regarding noticing requirements for applications and to rescind Chapter 68-8(G) “Building and Demolition Permits”. 6. Public hearing to amend the Code of the City of Rye Chapters and Sections: §170-6(F) “Subdivision of Land, Procedures for Tentative Approval of Preliminary Layout”; §170- 7(C) “Procedures for Approval of Subdivision Plat”; §197-7 “Zoning, Site Development Plan”; §197-10 “Zoning, Uses Permitted Subject to additional Standards”;§197- 81(F)”Zoning Appellate Jurisdiction of Board”; §195-5(C) “Wetlands and Watercourses, Public Hearings and Public Notification by Applicant”; §196-15 “Wireless Communications Facilities, Public Hearings Required”, regarding noticing requirements.
Resolution to adopt the 2010 Budget and establish the 2010 tax levy and 2010 tax rate. Roll Call
Resolution repurposing the 2002 Recreation Bond funds in accordance with the adopted Building & Vehicles budget for 2010. Roll Call
Resolution establishing accounting for gross and net revenues generated from the Central Business District parking pay stations and use of City funds for capital projects in the Central Business District. Roll Call
Resolution authorizing the City Comptroller to make the necessary year-end closing transfers. Roll Call
Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Rye Free Reading Room to furnish library services for 2010. Roll Call
Resolution to amend changes to local law amending Chapter 191, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Rye City Code by amending Section 191-20, Subsections D and E, to temporarily change public parking on Theodore Fremd Road, from a one-hour limit to a fifteenminute limit for the duration of the construction on Elm Place. Roll Call
Acceptance of grant award from the State of New York in the amount of $10,000 for Fire Department equipment. Roll Call
Resolution fixing January 6, 2010 as the first regular meeting and the organizational meeting of the City Council for 2010.
17. Old Business. 18. New Business. 19. Draft unapproved minutes of the Budget Workshop held on November 30, 2009 and the regular meeting of the City Council held on December 2, 2009. 20. Adjournment.
Public hearing to designate the three parking spaces on the north side of Elm Place closest to Theodore Fremd Ave as fifteen minute parking spaces.
5. Public hearing to amend Chapter 53, “Architectural Review” of the Code of the City of Rye by amending §53-3 “Meetings and Procedures of Board” regarding noticing requirements for applications and to rescind Chapter 68-8(G) “Building and Demolition Permits”. 6. Public hearing to amend the Code of the City of Rye Chapters and Sections: §170-6(F) “Subdivision of Land, Procedures for Tentative Approval of Preliminary Layout”; §170- 7(C) “Procedures for Approval of Subdivision Plat”; §197-7 “Zoning, Site Development Plan”; §197-10 “Zoning, Uses Permitted Subject to additional Standards”;§197- 81(F)”Zoning Appellate Jurisdiction of Board”; §195-5(C) “Wetlands and Watercourses, Public Hearings and Public Notification by Applicant”; §196-15 “Wireless Communications Facilities, Public Hearings Required”, regarding noticing requirements.
5. Public hearing to amend Chapter 53, “Architectural Review” of the Code of the City of Rye by amending §53-3 “Meetings and Procedures of Board” regarding noticing requirements for applications and to rescind Chapter 68-8(G) “Building and Demolition Permits”. 6. Public hearing to amend the Code of the City of Rye Chapters and Sections: §170-6(F) “Subdivision of Land, Procedures for Tentative Approval of Preliminary Layout”; §170- 7(C) “Procedures for Approval of Subdivision Plat”; §197-7 “Zoning, Site Development Plan”; §197-10 “Zoning, Uses Permitted Subject to additional Standards”;§197- 81(F)”Zoning Appellate Jurisdiction of Board”; §195-5(C) “Wetlands and Watercourses, Public Hearings and Public Notification by Applicant”; §196-15 “Wireless Communications Facilities, Public Hearings Required”, regarding noticing requirements.
Resolution to adopt the 2010 Budget and establish the 2010 tax levy and 2010 tax rate. Roll Call
Resolution repurposing the 2002 Recreation Bond funds in accordance with the adopted Building & Vehicles budget for 2010. Roll Call
Resolution establishing accounting for gross and net revenues generated from the Central Business District parking pay stations and use of City funds for capital projects in the Central Business District. Roll Call
Resolution authorizing the City Comptroller to make the necessary year-end closing transfers. Roll Call
Resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with the Rye Free Reading Room to furnish library services for 2010. Roll Call
Resolution to amend changes to local law amending Chapter 191, Vehicles and Traffic, of the Rye City Code by amending Section 191-20, Subsections D and E, to temporarily change public parking on Theodore Fremd Road, from a one-hour limit to a fifteenminute limit for the duration of the construction on Elm Place. Roll Call
Acceptance of grant award from the State of New York in the amount of $10,000 for Fire Department equipment. Roll Call
Resolution fixing January 6, 2010 as the first regular meeting and the organizational meeting of the City Council for 2010.
17. Old Business. 18. New Business. 19. Draft unapproved minutes of the Budget Workshop held on November 30, 2009 and the regular meeting of the City Council held on December 2, 2009. 20. Adjournment.